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What we do at All Hallows

Reading at All Hallows


At All Hallows we recognise the importance reading has on a child's progress in school and for their future achievements.This is why we are dedicated to developing every single pupil's reading ability so that they can not only read fluently but also comprehend the text in front of them as we know this is vital to their achievements.Through our reading strategies, we hope to inspire a love of reading in pupils which will generate a deeper schema which pupils can use to make connections in their learning as well to provide a greater understanding and use of vocabulary.

What we do at All Hallows to support reading


The table below gives an overview of the strategies we are currently providing to our pupils to support them in their reading and vocabulary development at All Hallows.



All Pupils

-Guided reading in form

-STAR test for accurate reading age X2 per year

-Accelerated Reader Program for Y7 and 8

-Guided reading in library lessons for Y7 and 8

-Word of the week (Tier 2, suf/pre-fixes)

-Idiom of the week in form time

-Tier 3 subject keywords in subject areas and lessons

-Library access

-Reciprocal reading in lessons

-Keywords identified and discussed in class

-Guided reading in form (Y10)

-Word of the week (Tier 2, suf/pre-fixes)

-Idiom of the week in form time

-Tier 3 subject keywords in subject areas and lessons

-Library access

-Reciprocal reading in lessons

-Keywords identified and discussed in class

Pupils with a Reading Age below 10

-GORT Testing

-Lexia Program

-TA Reading in form

-Paired Reading with reading mentor in form

-Lexia Program

-Bespoke intervention in Aquinas centre

-PiXL phonics

Pupils with a Reading age 2+years below chronological age
and/or Aquinas/CAU centre pupils

-GORT Testing

-Lexia Program

-Bespoke intervention in Aquinas centre

-PiXL phonics

-Lexia Program

-Bespoke intervention in Aquinas centre

-PiXL phonics

Pupils with EAL who speak little to no English

-Lexia Program

-Weekly sessions with Mr Chantal

-Phonics and letter interventions with Mrs Brooks

-Placed in higher sets to improve vocabulary experienced


O​fsted says: "The school's reading programme is successful in broadening pupils' horizons and encouraging a love of reading...Pupils enjoy reading in form time."