Reading Strategies
Some strategies in more detail
Form Time class reader - (see section ‘Developing Pupils’ love of reading’) We have purchased whole year group sets of books which are used in form time with the class as a whole.Form tutors read the book as the form members follow along with their own copies.This is to model reading fluency (speed, accuracy and expression), discuss the context in terms of cultural capital and story (what happens next? Why did this happen? How would you feel?), as well as ensure pupils understand the vocabulary used.
Library lesson - Pupils in Year 7 and 8 have 1 lesson per week in the library. Here they read their library books linked to Accelerated Reader, complete quizzes to show comprehension and spend time reading with the teacher and/or TA in the class.The librarian supports these lessons.
Accelerated Reader Program - Accelerated Reader is a reading program used to help us track students’ independent practice and progress with reading.It’s intended to encourage pupils to read independently, at their own level and pace.Following a STAR test which assesses pupils' reading ability (and gives us their approximate reading age) pupils are allocated to an Accelerated Reader band based on their ability and then appropriate books matched to them. Each book has online “reading practice” quizzes. Teachers use these quizzes to track each student’s progress and to set appropriate goals for each.
Lexia - Lexia is an online program designed to improve pupils' reading and literacy skills.Pupils are initially assessed on their reading abilities and then placed at the appropriate level in 3 Study Strands:
- Word study – targets gaps in basic reading skills and develops academic vocabulary.
- Grammar – improves written composition and reading comprehension.
- Comprehension– teaches the skills required for higher order text analysis.
Once placed, students work independently on each strand where they can monitor progress on their personal dashboard.Teachers can monitor this too. The program matches offline intervention activities based on progress and pupils' individual needs which are delivered by adults during intervention sessions.
TA Reading in form - From STAR tests completed in the first few weeks of September, pupils with the greatest need (generally a reading age below 10 or more than 2 years below chronological age) are identified and matched to a TA.The TA will take the pupil out of form for 1 20 minute session per week where they listen to the pupil read and ask questions based on vocabulary and comprehension of text.
Paired reading - Pupils in Y9 and 10 volunteer to become reading mentors and are given training on effective reading support for younger pupils.Identified pupils (reading age 1 or more years below their chronological age) are then taken out of form for 1 20 minute session per week where they listen to the pupil read and ask questions based on vocabulary and comprehension of text.
Word of the week - Tier 2 words and/or pre/suf -fixes used commonly across subjects are shared each week with staff for form time.Form teachers are given the word, its meaning and different contexts in which it can be used along with support cards that pupils can use to break down the word.This helps pupils get a better understanding of the word and how to use it.Pupils are given a reward for using these words in the right context in lessons.
Access to library - The library is open for all pupils from 8:30am to 4pm each day to allow pupils to exchange books, read quietly or complete AR quizzes.
Idiom of the week - An idiom is shared with pupils per week in form to provide some cultural capital and whole class discussion on meaning and context.Information and slides are given to form tutors to provide them with all the resources needed to discuss the idiom with their pupils in form.
Reciprocal reading in lessons(all subjects) - This is a method of delivering text and vocabulary, often subject-specific, in a way that promotes understanding.Teachers will read, or get pupils to read, text within the lesson whilst breaking down the vocabulary and having discussions on the text to ensure the meaning and context is understood.Staff have had training on this.