0161 921 1900


Curriculum Intent

History at All Hallows aims to:

  • Provide a broad balanced, high quality, ambitious history education for all students, based on the acquisition of powerful historical knowledge. This is the foundation on which the curriculum lies, and therefore will be taught in a manner which allows for such knowledge to be retained and built upon.
  • Teach a history curriculum which is planned and sequenced in a manner which optimises students’ abilities to establish clear and effective connections between different aspects of the content they have studied.
  • Broaden and deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of the past, from a local, British and global perspective. The curriculum is designed to establish links between these perspectives in order to form a coherent, chronological narrative.
  • Enhance students’ understanding of their own history by providing a course of study reflecting the diversity and ethos of the All Hallows community, along with that of the local community.
  • Equip students with the requisite skills and disciplinary knowledge within the study of history to engage effectively with enquiries based around concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance. This will enable them to draw connections and contrasts in order to construct historical arguments.
  • Prepare students for future study within and outside of history, employment and later life. This includes the provision of powerful knowledge and the cultural capital students need to succeed.
  • Inspire students’ curiosity and fascination about the world and its past, in a manner that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.


Curriculum Overview

Department Staff:

Mr D Critchley - Head of Humanities
Mrs S Noden - Second in Department
Mr R Hunt - Humanities Teacher
Miss A Zaidi - Humanities Teacher




Useful History Websites

Careers in History