We believe that students deserve a broad and ambitious English curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them well for future learning or employment.
Knowledge in English:
Our curriculum will provide students with the powerful knowledge that can too often be hidden from view and in doing so help to make the implicit, explicit.
Students to understand that behind every text ever written there is writer’s intent.
Students to know that we can and should make predictions about any text both fiction and non-fiction by asking a set of initial questions both of fiction and non-fiction texts.
There is a set of fundamental universal and timeless themes/ideas that influence the intentions of writers and transcend the boundaries of time. E.g. Class divide, abuse of power, gender boundaries and inequality.
Students to know that they are connected to these universal and timeless themes/ideas and this can inform their own personal responses to a text.
To understand and acquire a control over language both written and spoken so that students can discover the potential power it can have and can give
Skills in English - pupils will be able to:
read complex passages confidently and methodically, in order to breakdown the language and structure to establish and analyse meaning;
demonstrate mastery of reading through discussion and writing;
enjoy a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts which help them to connect with the world around them;
develop cultural capital that will help remove barriers to achievement in school, future learning and the world of work;
write clearly, fluently and accurately in plain English, showing flair and creativity where appropriate;
develop detailed ideas in writing, adapting language to audience and purpose;
use a wide range of appropriate and ambitious vocabulary with precision;
produce ‘beautiful work’ of which they can be proud;
in talk, articulate and express their ideas, views and opinions about a wide range of topics clearly, confidently and respectfully;
develop their character, including resilience, confidence and independence, so that they contribute positively to the life of the school, their local community and the wider environment.
Mrs A Conescu - Head of English Miss J Gillibrand - English Teacher Mr C Jackson - English Teacher Miss C McCollum - English Teacher Mr J Turley - English Teacher Mrs L Ward - English Teacher Mrs H Weibrecht - English Teacher