Mission Statement
We aim for All Hallows RC High School to be a Catholic school to which children wish to come, to which parents wish to send their children, and where teachers wish to teach.
Our Mission is to offer a high quality Catholic education for all, in an environment where Gospel Values are central to teaching and learning, and in which the unique value of each person is recognised and respected.
Gospel Values are what Jesus said, what Jesus did and what Jesus told us to do, so we will:
o Provide a safe, supportive and pleasant environment with a warm and welcoming atmosphere where all are supported, valued and respected.
o Live the Gospel values of life and truth, love and service, justice and peace, forgiveness and reconciliation.
o Provide a personalised curriculum with the highest quality of learning and teaching.
o Equip pupils for life-long learning and enable them to develop their full potential and sense of self-worth in preparation for their journey of life, knowing that God walks with them each step of the way.
o Recognise that everyone is unique and celebrate their differences.
o Create a community which promotes tolerance, respect and sensitivity to the needs of others so that pupils realise their duties and responsibilities to their neighbour as well as their personal rights and freedoms.
Our Catholic mission is central to our ethos, which is clear in the special, caring atmosphere evident to all who enter our school community and provides a backdrop where Gospel Values are central to teaching and learning, and in which the unique value of each person is recognised and respected.
All Hallows Roman Catholic High School provides our young people with a nurturing environment where they can academically and socially succeed and, at the same time, give to others. We aim to be a school to which children wish to come; to which parents wish to send their children and where teachers wish to teach.
We have a whole-school approach to prayer, worship and liturgy and expect all members of the school community to play an active part in developing Christian Values.
The liturgical life of All Hallows is evident in our weekly voluntary mass, daily form prayer, regular assemblies, celebration of key dates in the church calendar, celebration of our school feast day, fundraising for charities and work within the Education Action Zone.
Catholic Ethos