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Curriculum Intent

At All Hallows Science Department, we aim to give our pupils a KS3 & KS4 curriculum that is broad, balanced and relevant. We want to promote a love for learning and enquiry, as well as making science engaging and intellectually challenging. We strive for our pupils to learn and master skills which will help them understand and process the Science of yesterday, today and the future.

  • We aim to create engaging lessons that promotes teaching for understanding rather than covering fragmented content.
  • We aim to teach the pupils the KS3 National curriculum and use a logical order of objectives which uses big ideas to equip students for success at GCSE later on and in life.
  • We aim to group topics so they are in a sequenced and logical order; a spiral idea where topics have a natural progression in order of increasing difficulty and understanding.
  • We aim to have a bigger focus on practical skills in each topic so pupils are better prepared for 'working scientifically' type questions
  • We aim for assessments to be interleaved so pupils are constantly revisiting previous topics to ensure their learning is holistic and not in a modular format.
  • We aim to use various strategies to make sure pupils remember what they need to learn and retain it in their long term memory.

How will we do it?

  • To develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • To develop critical thinkers by understanding the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
  • To be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
  • To be scientifically literate (fundamental and derived) and therefore make informed decisions about everyday life and have an understanding of how science is practised by being able to describe, analyse and evaluate scientific charts, texts and graphs.
  • To have an appreciation for the natural world around them and how to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
  • To have fundamental experimental skills to develop a line of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience.


Curriculum Overview

Department Staff:

Mr M Beacom - Head of Department/Science Teacher
Mrs B Lindley-Clapp - Assistant Headteacher/ Science Teacher
Miss R Lee - Science Teacher
Ms M Ng - Lead Practitioner/ Science Teacher
Mrs A Porter - Science Teacher
Mr C Reid - PPL/ Science Teacher
Mr S Zivkovic - Second in Department/ Science Teacher


Careers in Science