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C​urriculum Intent

The Business curriculum here at All Hallows aims to provide all learners with a deep and powerful knowledge base of the world of business, including key concepts such as Enterprise, Finance, Marketing, Production, Human Resources, Business Ownership and Growth. We would like the study of Business to develop our students beyond school with knowledge and skills to equip them to access future opportunities within a work environment.

Our curriculum, lessons and discussions put Business in context through the use of real life situations and exposure to key entrepreneurs in the business world and through problem solving scenarios, which will help students to develop personal qualities such as aspiration, teamwork and resilience. We regularly link our curriculum to current affairs, as well as to both local and global contexts to provide students with a wider understanding to be able to comprehend the world of business and to be able to succeed within it.

Through our carefully planned curriculum, our students are exposed to opportunities to develop a wider understanding of a wide range of business concepts, to develop their ability to think critically, technically and creatively to demonstrate a strong and secure business acumen. We want out students to be equipped with a broader understanding of the technical, ethical and economic challenges that businesses face, in order to ensure that they have the knowledge, and confidence to adapt to the rapidly changing business environment

Through a carefully designed curriculum, students develop an enquiring mind, a critical approach to their work and an independence which supports the development of an analytical and enquiring mind. All traits which are essential for success in the modern world.

The wider aims of the curriculum are to:

  • know and understand a variety of business concepts
  • develop as enterprising individuals with the ability to think technically and creatively to demonstrate business acumen, and draw on evidence to make informed business decisions and solve business problems
  • develop as effective and independent students, and as critical and reflective thinkers with analytic minds
  • use an enquiring, critical approach to make informed judgements
  • investigate and analyse real business opportunities and issues, to construct well-evidenced, balanced and structured discussions, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of business
  • develop and apply quantitative skills relevant to business, including using and interpreting data.


Curriculum Overview - Business and Business & Enterprise

Department Staff:

Mrs D Grannell - Head of Department
Mrs L Buckley - Teacher of Business/PPL
Mr K Singh - Teacher of Business
Mr M Tomlinson - Teacher of Business

Careers in Business