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PSHE, RSE and Careers

The PSHE or Personal Development (PD) Curriculum has been developed by considering the needs of our students and guided by the Gospel values we hold so dear here at All Hallows.The course provides practical advice and experiences that enable pupils to become happy and successful individuals who can make a positive contribution to society. By focusing on the three key areas of 'Health and Well-Being', 'Living in the Wider world' and 'Relationships', we equip our pupils with the skills and knowledge they will need to meet the challenges of our ever evolving, diverse and complex world.

Our PD offer is built into our Students time tables with one 50 minute lesson per week dedicated to the subject, emphasising the importance of the skills and knowledge our students gain from the curriculum.From September 2020 PD and RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) has been made mandatory in all schools by the Government.In order to provide our students with an RSE program guided by our Faith we have joined with Ten:Ten Resources.Ten Ten’s RSE program, Life to the Full, will teach Relationship, Sex and Health Education within the context of a Christian understanding of human sexuality rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Catholic Church.It has been fully endorsed by both The Catholic Church and Ofsted and ratified by the Government to deliver a balanced and suitable RSE offer to High School children.

Ten:Ten Parental Online Portal user name: opp-hallows-6 Password: rse-parent-red

For more information please click on the links below:

PD Curriculum Overview

RSE Policy

RSE Curriculum Overview

RSE at All Hallows

Ten:Ten RSE Parents Online Portal

Careers Overview

O​fsted says: "Pupils receive a well-considered careers programme that helps them to make informed decisions about their future."